Thursday, 29 October 2009

Rape suspect in custody at the St. Joseph County Jail - Fox 28

Rape suspect in custody at the St. Joseph County Jail - Fox 28


Rape suspect in custody at the St. Joseph County Jail
Fox 28
St. Joseph County Police a suspect in custody in connection with a rape that happened early Tuesday morning. The SJCPD told FOX 28 that they have Anthony ...
Police: Arrest made in South Bend rape by man claiming to be policeWSBT-TV
High police presence after rape by cop impersonatorFox 28

all 8 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

Cape fire official returns to work after rape charges - Boston Herald

Cape fire official returns to work after rape charges
Boston Herald
BOURNE — A high-ranking fire official is back on the job after being charged with rape last week, town officials said. ...

and more »

Source: news.google.com

News roundup: More arrests likely in Calif. gang-rape case - USA Today

News roundup: More arrests likely in Calif. gang-rape case
USA Today
Four teens could appear in court as early as today after being charged in the alleged gang rape of a 15-year-old girl outside her high school homecoming ...

and more »

Source: news.google.com

5 Young Men Arrested For CA Gang Rape - KSFY

Daily Mail

5 Young Men Arrested For CA Gang Rape
By KSFY Staff Police have arrested five young men in connection to a gang rape that happened outside of a school homecoming dance in the city of Richmond, ...
California: 5 Held on Rape Charges in Attack on GirlNew York Times
5 now in custody in Richmond High gang rapeSan Francisco Chronicle
Four charged in Richmond High rape caseSan Jose Mercury News
Los Angeles Times -CNN International -WEAR
all 1,668 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

The Litmus Test - ChristianityToday.com

The Litmus Test - ChristianityToday.com

The Litmus Test
Trustee ban on "advocacy of homosexual practice and same-sex marriage" stirs up Calvin faculty. The homosexuality debate that has torn apart mainline ...

Source: news.google.com

Kenya to launch homosexual census - BBC News

BBC News

Kenya to launch homosexual census
BBC News
Kenya is to carry out a census of its gay population in an effort to bolster the fight against HIV/Aids - despite homosexuality being against the law. ...

and more »

Source: news.google.com

Obama Signs First Major Federal Homosexual Rights Law - Tips-Q GLBT News (blog)

Tips-Q GLBT News (blog)

Obama Signs First Major Federal Homosexual Rights Law
Tips-Q GLBT News (blog)
President Obama on Wednesday signed a law that makes it a federal crime to assault an individual because of his or her sexual orientation or gender identity ...

and more »

Source: news.google.com

Uganda Health News: US Senate snubs Uganda homosexual motion - UGPulse.com

Foreign Policy

Uganda Health News: US Senate snubs Uganda homosexual motion
The United States Senate has rejected to a motion that was seeking to put pressure on Uganda to suspend plans to enact a law on homosexuality. ...
Uganda's Outrageous New Sex LawForeign Policy

all 3 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

Parole agents will be checking on north state sex offenders on Halloween - Record-Searchlight

Parole agents will be checking on north state sex offenders on Halloween - Record-Searchlight

MyFox Wausau

Parole agents will be checking on north state sex offenders on Halloween
Parole agents and local law enforcement officers will be saying "boo" to the north state's more than 100 paroled sex offenders on Halloween ...
Halloween ban on sex offenders in effectSt. Joseph News-Press
Sex offenders must 'check in' for HalloweenMontgomery County Courier
How to avoid sex offenders on HalloweenAurora Beacon News
KWQC 6 -KAIT -Bloomington Pantagraph
all 75 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

Was just flirtin', says Phillies fan Susan Finkelstein in sex-for-tickets bust - New York Daily News


Source: news.google.com

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Council bans parents from play areas - Telegraph.co.uk

Council bans parents from play areas - Telegraph.co.uk

Council bans parents from play areas
She said: "It's like they are branding all parents potential paedophiles which is disgraceful – 99 per cent of people are great parents and certainly not ...

and more »

Source: news.google.com

Lie detector tests for known sex offenders - Lincolnshire Echo

BBC News

Lie detector tests for known sex offenders
Lincolnshire Echo
The 90-minute polygraph tests are designed to assess whether subjects are abiding by their licence conditions, which could require paedophiles to stay away ...
Cumbria police wage hi-tech war on child pornNews & Star
Sex offenders face lie-detector testsStoke & Staffordshire
25 sex offenders sent back to jailSouthend Standard
expressandstar.com -Watford Observer -Cornish Guardian
all 78 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

The most harrowing job in the world - Daily Mail

Daily Mail

The most harrowing job in the world
Daily Mail
Such is the ingenuity and cunning of computer-savvy paedophiles in the modern world that the police find it increasingly difficult to keep track of them. ...

Source: news.google.com

X Factor: John and Edward Grimes Lure Paedophiles And Topless Teenage Girls To ... - Anorak.co.uk (satire)

X Factor: John and Edward Grimes Lure Paedophiles And Topless Teenage Girls To ...
Anorak.co.uk (satire)
TO the leafy environs of Hampstead, where paedophiles are threatening the X Factor contestants and their young screaming fans. The Sun says that the fans ...

and more »

Source: news.google.com

'This Is Shit' premieres today - The Spoof (satire)

'This Is Shit' premieres today
The Spoof (satire)
Why this revolting paedophile has ever been famous is a complete mystery to the rest of the world, unless other revolting paedophiles identify with that one ...

Source: news.google.com

David Cameron's Watford Playground Problem - Spectator.co.uk

David Cameron's Watford Playground Problem
But the same newspapers that make a fuss about this are the same papers that constantly suggest there are paedophiles waiting to pounce upon your children ...

Source: news.google.com

Thursday, 22 October 2009

LDS and gay rights - Salt Lake Tribune

LDS and gay rights - Salt Lake Tribune

LDS and gay rights
Salt Lake Tribune
Regarding LDS Apostle Dallin Oaks' comments on homosexuality, "LDS apostle under fire for analogy" ( Tribune , Oct. 14) and Pat Bagley's cartoon response ...

and more »

Source: news.google.com

Telling Court He's Gay, Mob Informer Crosses Line - New York Times

Daily Mail

Source: news.google.com

Adam Lambert is an equal opportunist: 'I am gay, but I like kissing women ... - New York Daily News

Sassyqarla Entertainment Blog Site

Adam Lambert is an equal opportunist: 'I am gay, but I like kissing women ...
New York Daily News
Adam Lambert may be gay, but it doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy smooching ladies. "I am gay, but I like kissing women sometimes," he said in an interview in ...
Adam Lambert is not horrified by female formExaminer.com
Lambert Reveals Another Side to HimselfCDInsight
Adam Lambert Could Get Girls (If He Wanted Them)TheImproper.com
The Week Magazine
all 219 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

Navy petty officer to face punishment in hazing - The Associated Press

Navy petty officer to face punishment in hazing
The Associated Press
One of the victims of the hazing, Joseph Rocha, said he decided to leave the Navy in 2007 by telling his commander he was gay, in violation of the ...
Navy Forces Out Non-Com In Gay Hazing CaseNPR
Senior chief to retire in hazing investigationNavyTimes.com

all 194 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

US marshal pick was already gay rights pioneer - The Associated Press

The Wichita Eagle

US marshal pick was already gay rights pioneer
The Associated Press
More than a decade later, Lubinski could become the first openly gay US marshal after President Barack Obama nominated the 57-year-old assistant police ...
AP: Lubinski would be first openly gay US MarshalMinneapolis Star Tribune

all 199 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

AfterElton Briefs: Another gay celebrity break-up, Tom Cruise is dissed by ... - AfterElton.com

TV3 News

AfterElton Briefs: Another gay celebrity break-up, Tom Cruise is dissed by ...
Remember that Brouhaha with the Muslim and gay soccer teams? Here's an accounting of the media firestorm that erupted. Above you can see the ever delightful ...
Tom Cruise News: Balki and American PsychoNews in Film (blog)
Bronson Pinchot Shovels Some Serious Hollywood DirtThe Frisky
all 58 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

More reasons to hate Balloon Boy's family: Anti-gay rap? - Metro Weekly

More reasons to hate Balloon Boy's family: Anti-gay rap? - Metro Weekly

More reasons to hate Balloon Boy's family: Anti-gay rap?
Metro Weekly
The muddled but apparent lyrics of a rap video called ''Pussification'' that was produced by the Heene family -- Richard and Mayumi Heene, their youngest ...

and more »

Source: news.google.com

'Tiny Kushner' - short plays by Tony Kushner - San Francisco Chronicle

'Tiny Kushner' - short plays by Tony Kushner - San Francisco Chronicle

'Tiny Kushner' - short plays by Tony Kushner
San Francisco Chronicle
Reached by phone in New York, he's in the middle of reworking his newest play, "The Intelligent Homosexual's Guide to Capitalism and Socialism With a Key to ...

and more »

Source: news.google.com

GALA responds to Archbishop - Pacific News Center

GALA responds to Archbishop
Pacific News Center
Archbishop Anthony Apuron's release of a controversial letter regarding the dangers of bill 185 and the dangers of homosexuality. ...
Guam archbishop blasts domestic partnership bill; sponsor alleges abuse by LA ...Tips-Q GLBT News (blog)
Church, senators meet on Bill 185Pacific Daily News
Archbishop Regrets Sexual Abuse That Affected Senator BJ Cruz; Archdiocese ...Pacific News Center
Pacific News Center
all 14 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

Pope opens arms to Anglicans - PRESS TV

The Age

Pope opens arms to Anglicans
The Vatican has announced that the Catholic Church will accept groups of Anglicans who are opposed to the acceptance of female priests and homosexual ...
No protest as Catholics extend olive branchABC Online
Vatican Makes It Much Easier for Anglicans to ConvertU.S. News & World Report
Vatican opens door to fed-up AnglicansArkansas Democrat Gazette
guardian.co.uk -india-server.com -GenevaLunch
all 835 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

Telling Court He's Gay, Mob Informer Crosses Line - New York Times

Daily Mail

Telling Court He's Gay, Mob Informer Crosses Line
New York Times
“Nobody's going to respect us if we have a gay homosexual boss sitting down discussing La Cosa Nostra business,” the gunman, Anthony Capo, testified at a ...
Gambino Mobster's Out and ProudNBC New York

all 164 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Government To Ban School Foreign Exchange Trips - The Spoof (satire)

Government To Ban School Foreign Exchange Trips - The Spoof (satire)

Government To Ban School Foreign Exchange Trips
The Spoof (satire)
The fear of paedophiles under (or in) the bed has reached epic proportions. Now parents who agree to host a foreign child must be checked to see if they ...

Source: news.google.com

Ex-Teacher's Aide Sentenced for Teen Sex - NBC Philadelphia

Ex-Teacher's Aide Sentenced for Teen Sex - NBC Philadelphia

The Star-Ledger - NJ.com

Ex-Teacher's Aide Sentenced for Teen Sex
NBC Philadelphia
The Westampton woman expressed "extreme regrets" for what she called an "uncharacteristic situation" but said "I did not have sex with the victim. ...
Ex-teacher's aide sentenced for teen sexPhiladelphia Inquirer
Former teacher's aide sentenced for teen sexCherry Hill Courier Post

all 13 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

Former Iowa band teacher sentenced in sex sting - Chicago Tribune

Former Iowa band teacher sentenced in sex sting
Chicago Tribune
AP DAVENPORT, Iowa - A former Clinton High School band teacher convicted in a sex sting has been sentenced to more than 13 years in federal prison. ...
Former Clinton band teacher to spend 160 months in prisonRadio Iowa
Young sentenced to 13 yearsClinton Herald
Ex-teacher sentenced for enticing minorDesMoinesRegister.com

all 21 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

Prison sex report leads Kansas legislators to launch audit - Kansas City Star

Prison sex report leads Kansas legislators to launch audit
Kansas City Star
AP TOPEKA | Legislators have initiated their own audit of Kansas' corrections system because of allegations of widespread sex between staff members and ...
Kansas legislative auditors reviewing prisons after allegations of illegal sex ...fox4kc.com

all 11 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

Age and race divides on same sex marriage - Tips-Q GLBT News (blog)

Los Angeles Times

Age and race divides on same sex marriage
Tips-Q GLBT News (blog)
Polling in Maine on a referendum to overturn the state's same-sex marriage law turns up demographic divides that have been evident elsewhere. ...
In Depth: Voters To Determine Same-Sex MarriageWMTW.com
Maine Gay Marriage Vote Looks TightNPR
Furor Surrounds Anti-Gay Marriage AdMyFox Maine
Politics Daily (blog) -Biddeford Journal Tribune -MPBN News
all 55 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

Court Nixes Bid To Dismiss Subprime Fraud Case - Emii.com

Court Nixes Bid To Dismiss Subprime Fraud Case - Emii.com

Court Nixes Bid To Dismiss Subprime Fraud Case
The ruling by US District Judge Shira Scheindlin allows Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank to proceed with its common law fraud claims. Scheindlin's decision comes ...

and more »

Source: news.google.com

'They Tried to Steal an Election,' NY Voter Fraud Case Heats Up - FOXNews


'They Tried to Steal an Election,' NY Voter Fraud Case Heats Up
"They tried to steal an election," says Bob Mirch, the majority leader of the Rensselaer County legislature who suspected voter fraud and started the ...

Source: news.google.com

EU Deal on Tax Fraud Blocked by Austria, Luxembourg - Bloomberg

EU Deal on Tax Fraud Blocked by Austria, Luxembourg
Luxembourg is in favor of fighting tax fraud, “but we're not in favor of having two different systems inside and outside Europe,” Frieden said in Luxembourg ...

and more »

Source: news.google.com

Karzai agrees to Afghan presidential runoff - Los Angeles Times


Karzai agrees to Afghan presidential runoff
Los Angeles Times
The decision averts a constitutional crisis after an election marred by fraud. The leader will now square off against Abdullah Abdullah, his former foreign ...
Focus on Karzai Following Afghan Election Fraud ReportVoice of America
Afghan body to rule on vote fraudAljazeera.net
Hamid Karzai bows to international pressure over election fraudTimes Online
Examiner.com -San Luis Obispo Tribune -guardian.co.uk
all 6,268 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

Solomon Dwek, central witness in NJ corruption probe, arrives in court to ... - The Star-Ledger - NJ.com

The Jersey Journal - NJ.com

Solomon Dwek, central witness in NJ corruption probe, arrives in court to ...
The Star-Ledger - NJ.com
He will plead guilty today in connection to the $50 million bank fraud that first brought him to the attention of federal authorities in 2006, according to ...
Key figure in NJ corruption probe pleads guiltySeattle Times
Solomon Dwek, central witness in NJ corruption probe, is expected to plead ...The Star-Ledger - NJ.com

all 64 news articles »

Source: news.google.com


Dear Sir

Your internet pages

I write with regard to the internet blog pages which you maintain and which make reference to current and previous employees of Unum Limited.

Whilst we understand that you continue to dispute our decision on your employer’s claim under their Group Income Protection policy, we do not accept that it is acceptable for you to make inappropriate and unsubstantiated allegations against our current and previous employees.

We would therefore ask you to desist from adding such statements and remove the existing references relating to our employees with immediate effect otherwise we will have no alternative but to take civil action against you in the Courts and recommend to the affected individuals that they do the same.

We trust that such action will not be necessary.

For the sake of clarity we require references to anyone who is now or has been employed by Unum Limited to be removed, specifically but not limited to June Scott, Julian Ball, Christine Taylor, Stephen Brown, Lizz Kiernan, Matthew Studwell and Stuart Lewis.

Yours sincerely

Dr Peter Dewis

Customer Care Director

Telephone: 01306 873222

Fax: 01306 873671

E-mail: peter.dewis@unum.co.uk

Response to Peter Dewis Letter

I am happy that I have not printed anything unlawful and do so with free speech and with others best interests at heart.

Everything I have printed is accurate in my personal treatment at the hands of your company and is reflected in a web log format.

If you feel I have printed something which isn't accurate then please feel free to bring this to my attention and I will judge the complaint on it's merits.