Friday, 22 January 2010

Prop. 8 opponents say they welcome Cindy McCain's support of same-sex marriage - Los Angeles Times

Prop. 8 opponents say they welcome Cindy McCain's support of same-sex marriage - Los Angeles Times


Prop. 8 opponents say they welcome Cindy McCain's support of same-sex marriage
Los Angeles Times
John McCain of Arizona, who lent her name this week to the cause of same-sex marriage. McCain's support comes as Proposition 8 proponents and opponents ...
Same-sex 'marriage' gains surprising supportOneNewsNow
Cindy McCain endorses same-sex marriage (sorry, John)Kansas City Star
What Do You Think of Cindy McCain's Photo Supporting Gay Marriage?ABC News
all 514 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

Woods' sex addiction cure may take 5 years - Times of India

Hindustan Times

Woods' sex addiction cure may take 5 years
Times of India
WASHINGTON: It could take around five years for Tiger Woods to cure his sex addiction. The defamed golfer is being treated at The Pine Grove Behavioural ...
Is There Such a Thing as Sex Addiction?KFSM
PICS: Tiger Woods Sex Rehab Photo and a Beard (Exclusive Photo Links)Associated Content
Elin pays top secret visit to Tiger Woods in sex rehabThe Money Times
FOXNews -San Francisco Chronicle (blog) -hecklerspray
all 2,491 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

The Moviegoer | No Sex Please, They're Married - New York Times (blog)

New York Times (blog)

The Moviegoer | No Sex Please, They're Married
New York Times (blog)
For adults, however, the most disturbing event in this British production will be a rather Victorian sex scene between Darwin and his wife, Emma. Why? ...

and more »

Source: news.google.com

Former Lions receiver, Fraser track coach charged in student sex case - The Detroit News


Former Lions receiver, Fraser track coach charged in student sex case
The Detroit News
Roseville -- A former Detroit Lion receiver and Fraser High School track coach is facing up to life in prison on allegations he groped and had sex with a ...
Ex-Lion is charged in sex with a studentDetroit Free Press
High School Coach Facing Sex ChargesWXYZ
Ex-coach at Eastern charged in sex caseLansing State Journal
WWJ -The Canadian Press -WDIV
all 156 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

Wife says Polanski is 'marvelous' husband - Washington Post


Wife says Polanski is 'marvelous' husband
Washington Post
AP PARIS -- Film director Roman Polanski's wife said she "understands perfectly" that women have been shocked by the 32-year-old sex case ...
Roman Polanski's Wife Talks About Sex Casekypost.com
Polanski's Wife Thought His Arrest Was a 'Joke'ABC News
Next up for Roman Polanski: 'God of Carnage' adaptation?Los Angeles Times
AFP -Sydney Morning Herald -Contactmusic.com
all 1,445 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

Sex Good for Men's Hearts, Study Shows - CBS News

Sex Good for Men's Hearts, Study Shows
CBS News
According to a new study, men who have sex at least twice a week cut their chances of having a heart attack in half. Dr. Holly Phillips reports in this ...
More Sex Could Mean Less Heart RiskWebMD

all 5 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

Miami-Dade OK's new sex offender law - MiamiHerald.com

Miami-Dade OK's new sex offender law - MiamiHerald.com

Columbus Dispatch

Miami-Dade OK's new sex offender law
A new Miami-Dade sex offender ordinance will supersede some of the stricter city ordinances passed by local municipalities, including Miami's. ...
AG OKs sex-offender bylawNashoba Publishing
New changes to sex offender restrictions7Online WSVN-TV
Web site identifies sex offendersOSU - The Lantern
The Ledger (blog) -Sault Ste. Marie Evening News -NBC Miami
all 44 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

PICS: Tiger Woods Sex Rehab Photo and a Beard (Exclusive Photo Links) - Associated Content


PICS: Tiger Woods Sex Rehab Photo and a Beard (Exclusive Photo Links)
Associated Content
Pics of Tiger Woods at a sex rehab facility show the golfer wearing a beard. A slightly disheveled Woods was photographed outside what is assumed to be a ...
Is There Such a Thing as Sex Addiction?KFSM
Fox on Sex: Revenge Sex - Should You Have It?FOXNews
Elin pays top secret visit to Tiger Woods in sex rehabThe Money Times
San Francisco Chronicle (blog) -Philadelphia Inquirer -hecklerspray
all 2,476 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

Wife says Polanski is 'marvelous' husband - Washington Post

Hindustan Times

Wife says Polanski is 'marvelous' husband
Washington Post
AP PARIS -- Film director Roman Polanski's wife said she "understands perfectly" that women have been shocked by the 32-year-old sex case ...
Prosecutors Say They Contacted Polanski VictimABC News
Victim in Polanski case supports absentia bidAFP
It was a crazy age: wife defends PolanskiSydney Morning Herald
The Canadian Press -New York Times -Salon
all 1,423 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

Sex Good for Men's Hearts, Study Shows - CBS News

Sex Good for Men's Hearts, Study Shows
CBS News
(CBS) A new study in the American Journal of Cardiology finds that men who have sex at least twice a week can almost halve their risk of developing serious ...
More Sex Could Mean Less Heart RiskWebMD

all 5 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

Scorecard for Same-Sex Marriage - San Diego Gay & Lesbian News


Scorecard for Same-Sex Marriage
San Diego Gay & Lesbian News
Same-sex marriage is the issue, and lines have been firmly drawn in the sand. On one side, folks say marriage is only between a man and a woman, ...
Same-sex marriage foe: Ban keeps Satan at baySan Jose Mercury News
Same-Sex Marriage Case, Day 8: Power and PrejudiceNew York Times (blog)
At Calif. gay marriage trial, marriage is not the only flash pointChristian Science Monitor
Huffington Post (blog) -San Francisco Chronicle -Wall Street Journal
all 819 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

Ex-Lion is charged in sex with a student - Detroit Free Press


Ex-Lion is charged in sex with a student
Detroit Free Press
The touching incidents occurred in Fraser in late 2008 or early 2009 and the sex occurred at a Roseville motel last year, authorities said. ...
Ex-Lion, track coach charged in student sex caseThe Detroit News
Ex-coach at Eastern charged in sex caseLansing State Journal
Former Lions Player Charged In Sex Misconduct CaseWWJ
The Canadian Press -WDIV -Macomb Daily
all 154 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

Elin pays top secret visit to Tiger Woods in sex rehab - The Money Times

Elin pays top secret visit to Tiger Woods in sex rehab - The Money Times

Globe and Mail

Elin pays top secret visit to Tiger Woods in sex rehab
The Money Times
Los Angeles, January 22 -- Tiger Woods' wife Elin Nordegren paid a top secret visit to her troubled husband at the sex clinic in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. ...
Fox on Sex: Revenge Sex - Should You Have It?FOXNews
Tiger Woods' wife Elin Nordegren visits him in sex clinic, The Sun reportsHerald Sun
Wife visits Tiger at sex clinic while 'twin sister' looks after cubsOneindia
World News -Thaindian.com -The Sun
all 76 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

Briton faces jail for noisy sex - AFP


Briton faces jail for noisy sex
LONDON — A Briton whose noisy sex sessions were officially branded anti-social behaviour is liable to find herself behind bars if she fails to stop ...
'Noisy sex' woman spared prisonBBC News
Sex Asbo woman faces sentenceThe Press Association
Noisy sex Asbo woman avoids jailThe Press Association

all 111 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

Sex offender pleads not guilty to child pornography charge - Lompoc Record

Sex offender pleads not guilty to child pornography charge - Lompoc Record

Sex offender pleads not guilty to child pornography charge
Lompoc Record
A registered sex offender from Santa Maria pleaded not guilty Thursday to a felony count of possessing child pornography. Douglas Scott, 51, entered the ...

and more »

Source: news.google.com

New changes to sex offender restrictions - 7Online WSVN-TV

Columbus Dispatch

New changes to sex offender restrictions
7Online WSVN-TV
The commission has decided to relax restrictions on where convicted sexual offenders can live. Under the new law, predators will be able to live within 1000 ...
AG OKs sex-offender bylawNashoba Publishing
Web site identifies sex offendersOSU - The Lantern
Another approach to sex offendersThe Ledger (blog)
Sault Ste. Marie Evening News -NBC Miami -KSFY
all 42 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

Sex offenders often go free - Albany Times Union

Sex offenders often go free
Albany Times Union
There would be huge public outrage, demand for tougher laws and proper support systems for victims if non-offenders were willing to accept what millions of ...

Source: news.google.com

Friday, 15 January 2010

China Shuts Down 'Gay Pageant' - ChattahBox

China Shuts Down 'Gay Pageant' - ChattahBox


China Shuts Down 'Gay Pageant'
China (ChattahBox) – Hopes that China was becoming more open towards their homosexual community have been squashed after police shut down a pageant where ...
Police blocks China's first gay pageant: organisersAFP
First Mr Gay beauty contest in ChinaRadio Netherlands
China's first gay pageant highlights slow acceptanceThe Canadian Press
China Daily -DigitalJournal.com -Monsters and Critics.com
all 505 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

Former homosexual to speak on 'praying away the gay' - Niles Daily Star

Former homosexual to speak on 'praying away the gay'
Niles Daily Star
Morlan is a former homosexual, who after becoming a Christian, left the lifestyle. “Jack had lived in the homosexual community for most of his adult life,” ...

Source: news.google.com

Jury to start deliberating in Kelly's defamation trial - Philadelphia Inquirer

Jury to start deliberating in Kelly's defamation trial
Philadelphia Inquirer
Corbett linked Kelly to "the homosexual agenda" for his May 2007 vote to end a dollar-a-year lease for the Boy Scouts Cradle of Liberty Council at its ...

and more »

Source: news.google.com

Kirk claims $3.2 million in campaign money - ChicagoPride.com

Kirk claims $3.2 million in campaign money
The 60 second radio ad says there is a "solid rumor that Kirk is a homosexual" and that he "has surrounded himself with homosexuals. ...

and more »

Source: news.google.com

ADF Update on Prop 8 Trial: Day 4 - Christian Post

Washington Post

ADF Update on Prop 8 Trial: Day 4
Christian Post
Next on the stand was Dr. Meyer, who testified about how the marriage amendment stigmatizes people who engage in homosexual behavior. ...
No Place Like HomeSt.Louis Jewishlight.com
Attorney: Prop. 8 detractors strugglingOneNewsNow
Psychologist testifies on 'remarkable similarities' of gay and straight couplesLos Angeles Times
BP News -PSU Daily Vanguard -Columbia Missourian
all 4,441 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

Top UN rights official urges Uganda to do away with 'anti-homosexuality bill' - UN News Centre


Source: news.google.com

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Calif. fund manager sentenced in fraud scheme - San Jose Mercury News

Calif. fund manager sentenced in fraud scheme - San Jose Mercury News

Calif. fund manager sentenced in fraud scheme
San Jose Mercury News
He pleaded guilty in August to two counts of wire fraud, two counts of investment adviser fraud and a misdemeanor count of failing to file income taxes in ...

and more »

Source: news.google.com

Battling the Medicare fraud 'epidemic' - msnbc.com


Battling the Medicare fraud 'epidemic'
"They're just bleeding the system and as long as Medicare keeps paying out the money they're just going to keep committing the fraud. ...
How to avoid health care scamsCasper Star-Tribune Online

all 2 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

Unemployment Fraud Arrests - WBNG-TV


Unemployment Fraud Arrests
By WBNG News 19 people from the Southern Tier are charged as part of a crackdown on unemployment fraud. The New York Labor Department announced a total of ...
Unemployment Fraud CrackdownFOX 40 News WICZ TV
9 county residents arrested for unemployment fraud in '09The Saratogian
Eight local residents face fraud chargesCorning Leader
NewsChannel 9 WSYR -WKTV -Auburn Citizen
all 25 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

SEC charges father and son with fraud - UPI.com

SEC charges father and son with fraud
Instead, they abdicated their responsibilities to investors and ignored warning signs that should have alerted them to the fraud that was occurring all ...
PRESS RELEASE: SEC Charges Father-Son Investment Adviser Team In Florida For ...Wall Street Journal
Investment advisors Neil Moody, Chris Moody face fraud chargesMSN Money
Moodys charged with securities fraud in Nadel Ponzi caseSarasota Herald-Tribune

all 23 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

U.N.'s Aid Agency in Afghanistan Accused of Fraud and Mismanagement - FOXNews

U.N.'s Aid Agency in Afghanistan Accused of Fraud and Mismanagement
Among other things, USAID apparently overlooked a growing stack of UN audits and investigations that pointed to fraud, mismanagement and lack of internal ...

and more »

Source: news.google.com

Dante's Inferno: Behold The Ten Circles Of Fraud And Deceit - Kotaku.com (blog)

Earthtimes (press release)

Dante's Inferno: Behold The Ten Circles Of Fraud And Deceit
Kotaku.com (blog)
According to this developer diary covering the next to last area in Dante's Inferno, Fraud and Deceit are where all hell breaks loose. ...
Dante's Inferno Fraud Dev DiaryTeamXbox
Dante's Inferno: The Circle Of Fraud Will Test The Thumbs Of GamersCinema Blend
A Look At Fraud in Dante's InfernoHorrorMovies.ca
IGN -SYS-CON Media (press release) -Neoseeker
all 16 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

4 years for Hollywood investment fraud - UPI.com

BigPond News

4 years for Hollywood investment fraud
Brice Carrington, 46, of Ojai, pleaded guilty to wire fraud and tax evasion in a deal with the US Attorney's Office Sept. 4 and was sentenced Friday to ...
Ex-Pleasanton man who faked Oscar-winning career to lure investors sentenced ...Contra Costa Times

all 186 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

Koss to Restate Results, Investigate Internally After Fraud Case - FOXBusiness

Koss to Restate Results, Investigate Internally After Fraud Case
Audio headphone-maker, Koss Corp. (KOSS) announced, Monday its plans to restate results for fiscal 2008 and 2009, and plans to conduct an ...
Koss To Restate Results After Probe, Sees RecoveriesWall Street Journal
Koss Corporation Releases Preliminary Data on InvestigationCNNMoney.com (press release)
Koss: Unauthorized transactions increased over yearsBizjournals.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel -WISN.com -The Business Journal
all 20 news articles »

Source: news.google.com


Dear Sir

Your internet pages

I write with regard to the internet blog pages which you maintain and which make reference to current and previous employees of Unum Limited.

Whilst we understand that you continue to dispute our decision on your employer’s claim under their Group Income Protection policy, we do not accept that it is acceptable for you to make inappropriate and unsubstantiated allegations against our current and previous employees.

We would therefore ask you to desist from adding such statements and remove the existing references relating to our employees with immediate effect otherwise we will have no alternative but to take civil action against you in the Courts and recommend to the affected individuals that they do the same.

We trust that such action will not be necessary.

For the sake of clarity we require references to anyone who is now or has been employed by Unum Limited to be removed, specifically but not limited to June Scott, Julian Ball, Christine Taylor, Stephen Brown, Lizz Kiernan, Matthew Studwell and Stuart Lewis.

Yours sincerely

Dr Peter Dewis

Customer Care Director

Telephone: 01306 873222

Fax: 01306 873671

E-mail: peter.dewis@unum.co.uk

Response to Peter Dewis Letter

I am happy that I have not printed anything unlawful and do so with free speech and with others best interests at heart.

Everything I have printed is accurate in my personal treatment at the hands of your company and is reflected in a web log format.

If you feel I have printed something which isn't accurate then please feel free to bring this to my attention and I will judge the complaint on it's merits.