Friday, 5 June 2009

Participants hope Gay Pride parade will prompt anti-same-sex ... - New York Daily News

Participants hope Gay Pride parade will prompt anti-same-sex ... - New York Daily News

Participants hope Gay Pride parade will prompt anti-same-sex ...
New York Daily News, NY
BY Clare Trapasso Organizers of this weekend's Queens gay pride parade are expecting the event's largest turnout yet as the push for a same-sex marriage bill appears to be gaining steam. Participants are hoping to change the minds of three state ...
Queens Pride has new purpose amid gay marriage debate YourNabe.com
Marriage Equality Debate Reaches Boiling Point in New York State EDGE Boston
all 3 news articles

Source: news.google.com

Gay youths coming out of the closet and onto the Web - Chicago Tribune

Gay youths coming out of the closet and onto the Web
Chicago Tribune, United States
"They don't have to face any repercussions or see how the person will react," said Savin-Williams, author of "The New Gay Teenager." Lucas Colon said he lost friends when he declared he was gay on his MySpace page. Some of his friends from Kelvyn Park ...

Source: news.google.com

Gay marriage isn't marriage - Vallejo Times-Herald

The Jersey Journal - NJ.com

Gay marriage isn't marriage
Vallejo Times-Herald, CA
Gay marriage is a matter of apples and oranges discussion, for traditionally thinking citizens. Marriage is not simply a discussion of the rights of sex, but rather a matter of the procreation and education of children and the continuity of the human ...
Gay Marriage Dominates Online, Ignored Offline On Top Magazine
Gay groups grow impatient with Obama United Press International
Gay Marriage: The Hidden Opponents ChicagoNow
Gay and Lesbian Times - Muncie Star Press
all 85 news articles

Source: news.google.com

Participants hope Gay Pride parade will prompt anti-same-sex ... - New York Daily News

Participants hope Gay Pride parade will prompt anti-same-sex ... - New York Daily News

Participants hope Gay Pride parade will prompt anti-same-sex ...
New York Daily News, NY
BY Clare Trapasso Organizers of this weekend's Queens gay pride parade are expecting the event's largest turnout yet as the push for a same-sex marriage bill appears to be gaining steam. Participants are hoping to change the minds of three state ...

Source: news.google.com

Ex-deacon faces new sex charges - Baltimore Sun

Ex-deacon faces new sex charges
Baltimore Sun, United States
By Justin Fenton | justin.fenton@baltsun.com Baltimore police have filed new sex abuse charges against a former church deacon who was arrested last month on charges that he sexually assaulted a minor. Curtis Allen, 48, who was a deacon at Bethel El ...
New Sex Abuse Allegations Against Church Deacon ABC2 News
all 3 news articles

Source: news.google.com

From 'Sex' to 'Hangover,' a steady climb for Cooper - Chicago Tribune

E! Online

From 'Sex' to 'Hangover,' a steady climb for Cooper
Chicago Tribune, United States
By Lauren Viera | Tribune reporter You know your acting career doesn't have a half-bad shot at survival when, at age 24, you land a spot on "Sex and the City" opposite Sarah Jessica Parker. For Bradley Cooper, that 1999 gig was just a brief, ...
'The Hangover' *** St. Louis Post-Dispatch
all 685 news articles

Source: news.google.com

Smith: Not Enough Votes For Same-Sex Marriage Bill - NY1

Brisbane Times

Smith: Not Enough Votes For Same-Sex Marriage Bill
New York State Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith is insisting he will not bring a bill legalizing same-sex unions to a vote unless he has the support to pass it. NY1's tally on the proposed gay marriage bill currently stands at 20 lawmakers for the ...
Smith not lobbying opponents of same-sex marriage Capital News 9
New York bishops urge state Senate to reject same-sex marriage bill The Catholic Transcript
New York Catholic bishops strongly oppose legalized same-sex ... Catholic News Agency
Catholic Culture - The Associated Press
all 180 news articles

Source: news.google.com

Same-Sex Courtship - National Journal


Same-Sex Courtship
National Journal, DC
by William Schneider In May 2008, the California Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage, ruling that "an individual's sexual orientation -- like a person's race or gender -- does not constitute a legitimate basis upon which to deny or withhold legal ...
San Diegans rally for same-sex marriage in Central Calif. Gay and Lesbian Times
Same-Sex Marriage Continues Blog Dominance Pew Research Center
GOP lawyer in Prop 8 lawsuit hailed as 'impassioned' advocate Sovo.com
msnbc.com - Gay and Lesbian Times
all 81 news articles

Source: news.google.com

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

The late in life lesbian: Conscious choice or sexual fullition? - Examiner.com

The late in life lesbian: Conscious choice or sexual fullition? - Examiner.com

The late in life lesbian: Conscious choice or sexual fullition?
If this is true, than why are some lesbians aware of their sexual identity from adolescence and others have no idea other than a vague void in their emotional and sexual becoming? From an early age, some women have strong feelings towards members of ...

Source: news.google.com

Homophobic crime rife in NI - study - Irish Times

Homophobic crime rife in NI - study
Irish Times, Ireland
According to the research, 21 per cent of gay and bisexual males and 18 per cent of lesbians and bisexual females have been the victim of one or more homophobic hate crimes or incidents over the last three years. Approximately 10 percent of LGB people ...

Source: news.google.com

Love or lust - Examiner.com


Love or lust
Sometimes, it's not easy to differentiate the two especially in lesbian relationships. The confusion between love and lust spurns the "U Haul" syndrome, something that we as lesbians know all too well. You meet someone, everything is going right. ...

Source: news.google.com

10 Songs About Lesbians That We Actually Like - The Frisky

10 Songs About Lesbians That We Actually Like
The Frisky, Georgia
They're lesbians, dude—they're NOT going to be into you. The latest annoyance? “Girl Gotta Girlfriend” by the rappers Mams Taylor, Snoop Dogg and Bobby Valentino (listen above!), about a man with a girlfriend who tries to bring home a second woman for ...

Source: news.google.com

'S' for 'same-sex' marriage or 'single' means same thing - New York Daily News

'S' for 'same-sex' marriage or 'single' means same thing
New York Daily News, NY
Isn't it time to set the record straight, so to speak, and truly grant gays and lesbians the equal rights under the law that we deserve? Michele Forsten is director of communications at New York City College of Technology.

Source: news.google.com

Stonewall | The birth of the gay movement - Examiner.com

Staten Island Advance - SILive.com

Stonewall | The birth of the gay movement
Within weeks, Village residents organized activist groups to establish places for gays and lesbians to be open about their sexual orientation, without fear of being arrested. Within two years of the Stonewall riots there were gay rights groups in every ...
POTUS Honors LGBT Pride Month by Not Supporting Same Sex Marriage ... ABC News
Clinton vows to fight for gay rights abroad AFP
Clinton pledges to fight for gay rights worldwide CNN Political Ticker
PinkNews.co.uk - WashingtonTV
all 138 news articles

Source: news.google.com

King County targets repeat burglars for longer sentences - Seattle Post Intelligencer

King County targets repeat burglars for longer sentences - Seattle Post Intelligencer

King County targets repeat burglars for longer sentences
Seattle Post Intelligencer
Many repeat offenders - including convicts pleading to one case who remain suspected in a number of others - receive sentences of less than two years. King County law enforcement is looking to change that and, in doing so, move some of the most ...
New Focus on Burglaries for Prosecutors Seattle Central District News
all 3 news articles

Source: news.google.com

Sex offender ban given preliminary green light - Statesville Record & Landmark

Sex offender ban given preliminary green light
Statesville Record & Landmark,  USA
By Jim McNally | Statesville R&L The council unanimously approved the first reading of an ordinance that would ban registered sex offenders from city parks, walking trails, walkways and recreation facilities. Police Chief Tom Anderson said the ...

Source: news.google.com

Bill would end early parole for violent offenders - Philadelphia Inquirer


Bill would end early parole for violent offenders
Philadelphia Inquirer, PA
Brendan Boyle has introduced a bill that would end early parole for repeat violent offenders. Flanked by fellow House members and representatives of the Pennsylvania State Police and Philadelphia's police union, Boyle said at a news conference ...
Pennsylvania bill would end parole for repeat violent offenders Tribune Review
Lawmakers Roll Out New Legislation for Repeat Offenders KYW1060.com
Bill would strike parole for Pennsylvania repeat criminals Tribune Review
all 6 news articles

Source: news.google.com

Monday, 1 June 2009

Southern California Marine recruiter charged having sex with 14 ... - San Jose Mercury News

Southern California Marine recruiter charged having sex with 14 ... - San Jose Mercury News

Southern California Marine recruiter charged having sex with 14 ...
San Jose Mercury News,  USA
AP HEMET— Authorities say a Marine recruiter has been charged with several felonies involving sex with a 14-year-old girl in Riverside County. Hemet police Cpl. Eddie Pust and a Marine news release say 33-year-old Staff Sgt. Bryan Damone Cunningham was ...
Marine recruiter, two others, charged with having sex with Hemet ... Press-Enterprise
Marine recruiter jailed on sex charges Inland Empire News
all 30 news articles

Source: news.google.com

Canada Seeking Broader Sex Offender Registry, Van Loan Says - Bloomberg


Canada Seeking Broader Sex Offender Registry, Van Loan Says
By Greg Quinn June 1 (Bloomberg) -- Canada is proposing new rules to add everyone convicted of a sexual abuse crime to a national registry as well as a separate criminal database of genetic material, Public Safety Minister Peter Van Loan said. ...
Ottawa to tighten up national sex offender registry, DNA database CBC.ca
Sweeping change proposed for sex-offender registry Globe and Mail
Tories propose sex registry changes Toronto Star
The Canadian Press - Edmonton Sun
all 87 news articles

Source: news.google.com

Rutland, Bennington County Sex Offenders Missing Treatment - WCAX

Rutland, Bennington County Sex Offenders Missing Treatment
Entertainment News from AP Sex offenders in two Vermont counties have gone without clinical treatment for several weeks because the state's contract with the provider unexpectedly ended. State corrections officials say probation and parole officers ...
Sex offenders in 2 Vt. counties missing treatment The Associated Press
Sex offenders not getting treatment Rutland Herald
all 86 news articles

Source: news.google.com

Same-sex marriage enters mayoral race Same-sex marriage debate ... - Atlanta Journal Constitution


Same-sex marriage enters mayoral race Same-sex marriage debate ...
Atlanta Journal Constitution,  USA
By Eric Stirgus The mayor of Atlanta does not have the power to regulate marriage, particularly same-sex unions. But the issue is affecting the race to decide who will be elected the city's next chief executive this fall. Last week, three leading ...
Religious Leaders Want Referendum On DC Same-Sex Marriage Put On ... Philadelphia Bulletin
Same-sex marriage a threat to secret gay/straight marriages The Post-Standard - Syracuse.com
Roundup: News From Around the Web Advocate.com
News from the University of Texas at Austin - The Canadian Press
all 47 news articles

Source: news.google.com

Army sergeant charged in juvenile sex trafficking - Seattle Post Intelligencer


Army sergeant charged in juvenile sex trafficking
Seattle Post Intelligencer
A sergeant based at Fort Lewis who prosecutors say set up a juvenile girl in an apartment to work for him as a prostitute has been charged with sex trafficking. Sterling Terrace Hospedales, 26, was charged in US District Court in Tacoma on Monday with ...
Ft. Lewis sergeant faces federal prostitution charges Northwest Cable News
Pimping charges filed against Fort Lewis sergeant Seattle Times
all 19 news articles

Source: news.google.com

Teacher faces child sex charges - BBC News

Teacher faces child sex charges
BBC News, UK
A religious education teacher in Greater Manchester has been charged with engaging in sexual activity with a teenage boy. Madeleine Martin, 39, who teaches in Tameside, is accused of committing the offence against a child under 16. ...
Teacher charged in sex probe Tameside Advertiser
all 6 news articles

Source: news.google.com

Bountiful teacher seeks plea deal in student sex case - Salt Lake Tribune

Bountiful teacher seeks plea deal in student sex case
Salt Lake Tribune, United States
By Stephen Hunt FARMINGTON » A Bountiful Junior High math teacher charged with having sex with a 14-year-old male student is still working to resolve the case short of trial, her attorney told a 2nd District Court judge Monday. ...
Teacher charged in junior high sex scandal may take plea deal KSL-TV
all 2 news articles

Source: news.google.com

Woman sues Lakers' Brown for sex-related incident - SportingNews.com

Woman sues Lakers' Brown for sex-related incident
A Los Angeles Lakers guard is being sued by a woman in Denver for an alleged sex-related incident. ESPN.com reports the target is Shannon Brown, who was acquired by Los Angeles in a midseason trade with the Charlotte Bobcats. ...
Another sex dispute between a Colorado woman and an LA Laker Westword
Former Cavalier Shannon Brown Sued on Sex-Related Charges Waiting For Next Year
Lakers G Shannon Brown sued in civil court Rotoworld.com
ESPN - Waiting For Next Year
all 25 news articles

Source: news.google.com


Dear Sir

Your internet pages

I write with regard to the internet blog pages which you maintain and which make reference to current and previous employees of Unum Limited.

Whilst we understand that you continue to dispute our decision on your employer’s claim under their Group Income Protection policy, we do not accept that it is acceptable for you to make inappropriate and unsubstantiated allegations against our current and previous employees.

We would therefore ask you to desist from adding such statements and remove the existing references relating to our employees with immediate effect otherwise we will have no alternative but to take civil action against you in the Courts and recommend to the affected individuals that they do the same.

We trust that such action will not be necessary.

For the sake of clarity we require references to anyone who is now or has been employed by Unum Limited to be removed, specifically but not limited to June Scott, Julian Ball, Christine Taylor, Stephen Brown, Lizz Kiernan, Matthew Studwell and Stuart Lewis.

Yours sincerely

Dr Peter Dewis

Customer Care Director

Telephone: 01306 873222

Fax: 01306 873671

E-mail: peter.dewis@unum.co.uk

Response to Peter Dewis Letter

I am happy that I have not printed anything unlawful and do so with free speech and with others best interests at heart.

Everything I have printed is accurate in my personal treatment at the hands of your company and is reflected in a web log format.

If you feel I have printed something which isn't accurate then please feel free to bring this to my attention and I will judge the complaint on it's merits.