Thursday, 30 April 2009

“Outrage” Outs A Closeted Congress - WeHo News

“Outrage” Outs A Closeted Congress - WeHo News

WeHo News

“Outrage” Outs A Closeted Congress
WeHo News, CA
Presenting the premise that closeted homosexual members of the United States Congress and other politicians have done the most damage to their own queer community, the film delves into the stories of these sad, often pathetic figures, following their ...

Source: news.google.com

Not celebrating homosexual unions - Louisville Courier-Journal

Not celebrating homosexual unions
Louisville Courier-Journal, KY
The photograph of two women in The Courier-Journal (4/29) of two women who were the first to "marry" in Iowa in a joyful embrace no doubt thrilled the editors. But as I read on, I saw on the very next page another photograph of a woman kissing a parrot ...

Source: news.google.com

HUGH JACKMAN Gay jibes ended dancing career - Bild.de

ABC News

HUGH JACKMAN Gay jibes ended dancing career
Bild.de, Germany
The 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine' star wanted to be a dancer when he was a child, but gave up the hobby when his older brother accused him of being homosexual. The 40-year-old actor said: "In another world, another life, probably growing up in another ...
VIDEO: 'Wolverine' Hugh Jackman is not gay, just classy TheSequitur.com
X-Men Origins: Wolverine Exclaim!
all 2,200 news articles

Source: news.google.com

Letters: Liberals spreading homosexual agenda - Oshkosh Northwestern

Letters: Liberals spreading homosexual agenda
Oshkosh Northwestern, WI
It is with great sorrow that I read of the spread of the homosexual agenda and the destruction of the institution of marriage. It is quite a hypocritical action for a nation claiming to be Christian. I guess one could claim to be a truck, could even be ...

Source: news.google.com

Most Americans want end to military 'openly gay' ban - AFP


Most Americans want end to military 'openly gay' ban
WASHINGTON (AFP) — A majority of Americans want the US military to drop its 16-year-old "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy and let openly homosexual men and women serve, a poll showed on Thursday. Fifty-six percent of Americans told Quinnipiac University ...
Americans 'want military gay ban to end' PinkNews.co.uk
National poll: No to gay marriage, yes to civil unions, gays in ... Minneapolis Star Tribune
all 176 news articles

Source: news.google.com

Most Americans want end to military 'openly gay' ban - AFP

Most Americans want end to military 'openly gay' ban - AFP

Most Americans want end to military 'openly gay' ban
WASHINGTON (AFP) — A majority of Americans want the US military to drop its 16-year-old "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy and let openly homosexual men and women serve, a poll showed on Thursday. Fifty-six percent of Americans told Quinnipiac University ...

Source: news.google.com

Letters: Liberals spreading homosexual agenda - Oshkosh Northwestern

Letters: Liberals spreading homosexual agenda
Oshkosh Northwestern, WI
It is with great sorrow that I read of the spread of the homosexual agenda and the destruction of the institution of marriage. It is quite a hypocritical action for a nation claiming to be Christian. I guess one could claim to be a truck, could even be ...

Source: news.google.com

Not celebrating homosexual unions - Louisville Courier-Journal

Not celebrating homosexual unions
Louisville Courier-Journal, KY
The photograph of two women in The Courier-Journal (4/29) of two women who were the first to "marry" in Iowa in a joyful embrace no doubt thrilled the editors. But as I read on, I saw on the very next page another photograph of a woman kissing a parrot ...

Source: news.google.com

Howsam cleared of fraud charges - Variety

Howsam cleared of fraud charges - Variety

Hollywood Reporter

Howsam cleared of fraud charges
Variety, CA
By BRENDAN KELLY MONTREAL -- The US Attorney's Office in California has dismissed all bank fraud charges against Canuck film producer Gary Howsam, former CEO of film company Peace Arch Entertainment. Howsam was arrested in November 2007 following a US ...
Gary Howsam cleared of all charges by US Attorney's Office PR Newswire (press release)
all 126 news articles

Source: news.google.com

Recoveries from Medicaid fraud on the rise - Poughkeepsie Journal

Recoveries from Medicaid fraud on the rise
Poughkeepsie Journal, NY
AP • April 29, 2009 ALBANY — Attorney General Andrew Cuomo announced Wednesday that $263 million was recovered by the state in 2008 through Medicaid fraud cases, the most in recent years. The office's Medicaid Control Fraud Unit got about 150 ...
NY AG recovers $263 million from Medicaid fraud Fox44 News
Report: Medicaid Control Fraud Unit Recovers $263M North Country Gazette
all 9 news articles

Source: news.google.com

Bail set for Cosmo - Long Island Business News

Bail set for Cosmo
Long Island Business News, NY
Appearing in federal court clean shaven and sporting an orange jumpsuit, Cosmo was arraigned on 32 counts of wire and mail fraud before Judge E. Thomas Boyle set bail at $750000 on Wednesday. Boyle said he received 20 letters from Agape World investors ...

Source: news.google.com

Fairfield Greenwich rejects fraud allegations - Reuters

Fairfield Greenwich rejects fraud allegations
The lawsuit marked the first charges against one of Madoff's so-called "feeder funds" after the disgraced Wall Street legend pleaded guilty on March 12 to orchestrating Wall Street's biggest-ever investment fraud. Fairfield Greenwich's Sentry Funds had ...
Hedge fund rebuts Galvin complaint Boston Globe
Noel, Fairfield Greenwich accused of fraud in Madoff case Norwalk Advocate
Investors Accuse Fairfield Greenwich Of Fraud In Amended Suit Wall Street Journal
all 99 news articles

Source: news.google.com

SEC teams to specialize on fraud types: report - Reuters


SEC teams to specialize on fraud types: report
(Reuters) - The US Securities and Exchange Commission is planning to set up teams who focus on specific kinds of fraud, Robert Khuzami, director of the sec's Division of Enforcement, told the Wall Street Journal. The plans were discussed last week at a ...
SEC Plans Fraud Fight With Teams of Specialists Wall Street Journal
SEC Alleges Hedge Fund Fraud Done With White Out Hedge Fund Net
SEC may form SWAT teams The Daily Deal (subscription)
all 123 news articles

Source: news.google.com

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Michigan county GOP cancels appearance by Huntsman - Deseret News

Michigan county GOP cancels appearance by Huntsman - Deseret News

Kalamazoo Gazette - MLive.com

Michigan county GOP cancels appearance by Huntsman
Deseret News, UT
The decision by the Kent County Republican Party drew praise from the head of a conservative pro-family group in Michigan critical of what he called Huntsman's "homosexual agenda." The new chairman of the Michigan Republican Party, Ron Weiser, ...
Michigan GOP official cancels Huntsman event in protest Salt Lake Tribune
all 10 news articles

Source: news.google.com

Same-sex marriage is matter of fairness - DesMoinesRegister.com


Same-sex marriage is matter of fairness
DesMoinesRegister.com, IA
In his Iowa View, "Demand Vote to Preserve Marriage," Nathan Tucker's main line of reasoning is that there is a linear progression from homosexual marriage to polygamy and incestuous marriage. This is a clear example of the slippery-slope fallacy. ...
Video: Same-Sex Couples Wed in Iowa The Associated Press
Gay Marriage And Public Opinion Forbes
Public Advocate Blasts Iowa Politicians for Abandoning Marriage Christian News Wire (press release)
SW Iowa News - Radio Iowa
all 1,390 news articles

Source: news.google.com

Three rapes reported in Turlock - The Turlock Journal

Three rapes reported in Turlock - The Turlock Journal

Three rapes reported in Turlock
The Turlock Journal, California
BY SABRA STAFFORD In a space of five days three rape allegations have surfaced from two Turlock teenagers and one Turlock woman. None of the cases are related and all involve separate suspects, said Turlock Police Investigations Sgt. Russell Holeman. ...

Source: news.google.com

Men face rape charges - Times Daily

Men face rape charges
Times Daily, AL
By Tom Smith FLORENCE - Two Florence men accused of sexually assaulting a former University of North Alabama student have been arrested on indictments of rape and sodomy. Robert Henry "Lock" Locklayer, 22, 2201 Chisholm Road, Apt. G, was arrested ...

Source: news.google.com

Homeless woman says rape was price of a night's shelter - Seattle Times

Homeless woman says rape was price of a night's shelter
Seattle Times, United States
A homeless woman in a wheelchair who accepted an acquaintance's offer for a place to sleep told police she was repeatedly raped by the man, who warned her, "I can rape you and get away with it ... You're homeless — no one cares about you," according to ...

Source: news.google.com

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Paterson: Not Lobbying - Yet - For Gay Marriage - New York Daily News

Paterson: Not Lobbying - Yet - For Gay Marriage - New York Daily News

Paterson: Not Lobbying - Yet - For Gay Marriage
New York Daily News, NY
The governor bristled a bit at suggestions that he should be using the power of his office to pressure lawmakers support his agenda on gay marriage, the MTA or anything else. "One person can't dictate the process," he said. "I read every day that the ...
Thousands rally in Albany for gay marriage WTEN
all 4 news articles

Source: news.google.com

Marriage -- Not Just a "Gay Rights" Issue - Huffington Post

Marriage -- Not Just a "Gay Rights" Issue
Huffington Post, NY
This is not just a "gay rights" issue. The separation of civil and religious ceremonies would also provide another alternative: those persons who might lose benefits if they join in civil marriage could choose to have only a religious ceremony to honor ...
Pro-gay marriage forces spend more than $200000 Fox44 News
Vermont's Civil Wars of Ideology RH Reality Check
Civil rights, religious freedom can co-exist Central Maine Morning Sentinel
all 15 news articles

Source: news.google.com

Presbyterians reject openly gay clergy - Dallas Morning News

Gay Socialites

Presbyterians reject openly gay clergy
Dallas Morning News, TX
But those who support acceptance of gay pastors noted that the margin was much closer with this vote. "The big story here is that many traditionally conservative areas of the country voted to accept gay clergy and lay officers in the church," said ...
Church upholds ban on gay clergy Atlanta Journal Constitution
Gay Clergy Amendment Fails Advocate.com
Presbyterians reject gay clergy, but vote closer The Associated Press
OneNewsNow - Christian Post
all 222 news articles

Source: news.google.com

Powell, Gay set to run at Reebok Grand Prix in May - The Associated Press

Powell, Gay set to run at Reebok Grand Prix in May
The Associated Press
NEW YORK (AP) — Former world-record holder Asafa Powell and reigning world champion Tyson Gay are on track to face off at the Reebok Grand Prix next month. Women's sprint stars Shelly-Ann Fraser and Veronica Campbell-Brown of Jamaica and American ...

Source: news.google.com

Marriage -- Not Just a "Gay Rights" Issue - Huffington Post

Marriage -- Not Just a "Gay Rights" Issue - Huffington Post

Marriage -- Not Just a "Gay Rights" Issue
Huffington Post, NY
This is not just a "gay rights" issue. The separation of civil and religious ceremonies would also provide another alternative: those persons who might lose benefits if they join in civil marriage could choose to have only a religious ceremony to honor ...
Pro-gay marriage forces spend more than $200000 Fox44 News
Vermont's Civil Wars of Ideology RH Reality Check
Civil rights, religious freedom can co-exist Central Maine Morning Sentinel
all 15 news articles

Source: news.google.com

Obama's 100-day gay report card - Philadelphia Gay News


Obama's 100-day gay report card
Philadelphia Gay News, PA
by Jen Colletta This Wednesday marks the 100th day since President Obama took the oath of office and, for the national lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, never-before-experienced access to and inclusion in the federal government ...
Video: Obama Calls New York City Flyover a 'Mistake' The Associated Press
In First 100 Days, Obama Skirts Gay, Social Issues EDGE Boston
BOB BECKEL — THE FIRST 100 DAYS: Obama Steers Clear of the Culture ... FOXNews
Queerty - RH Reality Check
all 3,204 news articles

Source: news.google.com

Miss California Once Partied With Amanda Lepore - Gay Wired

New York Daily News

Miss California Once Partied With Amanda Lepore
Gay Wired, CA
By Stephan Horbelt | Article Date: 4/28/2009 12:07 PM Despite the fact that Carrie Prejean has come out against gay marriage – Miss California famously remarked that marriage should be between a man and a woman –the pageant contestant seems to be as ...
Miss California: Being Gay is a Choice Advocate.com
Carrie Prejean Thinks People Choose To Be Gay The Frisky
Miss California: Champion of Federalism on Gay Marriage? The Moderate Voice
U.S. News & World Report - Telegraph.co.uk
all 1,049 news articles

Source: news.google.com

On Politics Signs GOP Is Rethinking Stance on Gay Marriage - New York Times


On Politics Signs GOP Is Rethinking Stance on Gay Marriage
New York Times, United States
By ADAM NAGOURNEY WASHINGTON — It was only five years ago that opposition to gay marriage was so strong that Republicans explicitly turned to the issue as a way to energize conservative voters. Yet today, as the party contemplates the task of ...
Watch Rudy Giuliani Flip-Flop On Using Gay Marriage to Divide Voters Queerty
Pollsters Are Down With Gay Marriage. Florida is Down With Old People. Miami New Times
Steve Schmidt, Unplugged Town Hall
all 10 news articles

Source: news.google.com

Paterson: Not Lobbying - Yet - For Gay Marriage - New York Daily News

Paterson: Not Lobbying - Yet - For Gay Marriage
New York Daily News, NY
The governor bristled a bit at suggestions that he should be using the power of his office to pressure lawmakers support his agenda on gay marriage, the MTA or anything else. "One person can't dictate the process," he said. "I read every day that the ...

Source: news.google.com

Presbyterians reject openly gay clergy - Dallas Morning News

Gay Socialites

Presbyterians reject openly gay clergy
Dallas Morning News, TX
But those who support acceptance of gay pastors noted that the margin was much closer with this vote. "The big story here is that many traditionally conservative areas of the country voted to accept gay clergy and lay officers in the church," said ...
Church upholds ban on gay clergy Atlanta Journal Constitution
Gay Clergy Amendment Fails Advocate.com
HP pastor: Issue more about ‘libertarian heterosexual lifestyle ... Dallas Voice
The Associated Press - OneNewsNow
all 223 news articles

Source: news.google.com

Paterson: Gay Marriage Opponents Suffer From 'Guilt' - New York Daily News

Los Angeles Times

Paterson: Gay Marriage Opponents Suffer From 'Guilt'
New York Daily News, NY
David Paterson received a hero's welcome this morning at the opening rally for "LGBT Equality and Justice Day," during which some 2000 activists will fan out over the Capitol complex to lobby both Democratic and GOP senators on gay marriage, ...
Video: Same-Sex Couples Wed in Iowa The Associated Press
NH state Senate voting Wednesday on gay marriage Chicago Tribune
In Iowa, Same-Sex Couples Rush to Tie the Knot Washington Post
Poughkeepsie Journal - NBC Washington
all 1,389 news articles

Source: news.google.com

Powell, Gay set to run at Reebok Grand Prix in May - The Associated Press

Powell, Gay set to run at Reebok Grand Prix in May
The Associated Press
NEW YORK (AP) — Former world-record holder Asafa Powell and reigning world champion Tyson Gay are on track to face off at the Reebok Grand Prix next month. Women's sprint stars Shelly-Ann Fraser and Veronica Campbell-Brown of Jamaica and American ...

Source: news.google.com

Water main break hinders downtown traffic - Baltimore Sun

Baltimore Sun

Water main break hinders downtown traffic
Baltimore Sun, United States
The water main break at Gay and Lombard streets was reported about 6:25 am The gushing water lapped against the curbs, disrupting traffic as it flowed toward Pratt and President streets, which were crowded as people tried to get to work. ...
Video: Interviews about downtown Baltimore water main break Baltimore Sun
Baltimore officials stress need for infrastructure upgrades Bizjournals.com
Large water main break floods downtown Baltimore The Associated Press
Examiner.com - Bizjournals.com
all 194 news articles

Source: news.google.com

Shreveport chief considers gun-offender registry - Tri Parish Times

Shreveport chief considers gun-offender registry - Tri Parish Times

Shreveport chief considers gun-offender registry
Tri Parish Times, LA
(AP) - Shreveport Police Chief Henry Whitehorn suggests a gun crime registry _ like those currently required for sex offenders _ as one way to fight a rise in shootings. His proposed ordinance would require anyone convicted of a crime that involved a ...

Source: news.google.com

Lawyers for NH sex offender want case moved - Fox44 News

Lawyers for NH sex offender want case moved
Fox44 News, Vermont
AP - April 28, 2009 8:55 AM ET CONCORD, NH (AP) - Lawyers for the first sex offender to stand trial under the state's new sexual predator law want his case moved to another town, citing publicity on recent dismissals of 3 other sex-offender cases in ...
Sex offender wants trial moved Concord Monitor
all 3 news articles

Source: news.google.com

• Proposed law would ensure nursing homes be informed when a sex ... - The Plain Dealer - cleveland.com

• Proposed law would ensure nursing homes be informed when a sex ...
The Plain Dealer - cleveland.com, OH
Go online to the Ohio attorney general's website and you can search for sex offenders. Type in the address of the nursing home. You'll get the name, photograph and address of each registered sex offender who lives within -- and you can choose this -- a ...

Source: news.google.com

Two sex offenders released in Stockton - Stockton Record

Two sex offenders released in Stockton
Stockton Record, CA
By Scott Smith STOCKTON - Two high-risk sex offenders - one of whom raped and burned a Fresno woman in 1985 and the other considered mentally unstable - have been released from prison within the past week and now live in Stockton under no direct ...

Source: news.google.com

In Iowa, Same-Sex Couples Rush to Tie the Knot - Washington Post

In Iowa, Same-Sex Couples Rush to Tie the Knot - Washington Post

Los Angeles Times

In Iowa, Same-Sex Couples Rush to Tie the Knot
Washington Post, United States
By Amy Lorentzen AP DES MOINES, April 27 -- Same-sex couples in Iowa began holding hastily planned weddings Monday as the state became the third to allow gay marriage. Within hours of a state Supreme Court ruling legalizing gay marriage taking effect, ...
Video: Same-Sex Couples Wed in Iowa The Associated Press
National Briefing Los Angeles Times
Jefferson Co. Supervisors consider gay marriage resolution Ottumwa Courier
Washington Times - Examiner.com
all 1,281 news articles

Source: news.google.com

Presbyterians reject openly gay clergy - Dallas Morning News

Presbyterians reject openly gay clergy
Dallas Morning News, TX
But those who support acceptance of gay pastors noted that the margin was much closer with this vote. "The big story here is that many traditionally conservative areas of the country voted to accept gay clergy and lay officers in the church," said ...
Church upholds ban on gay clergy Atlanta Journal Constitution
Presbyterians reject gay clergy, but vote closer The Associated Press
Presbyterian 'gay' clergy initiative close to defeat OneNewsNow
Christian News Wire (press release) - Christian Post
all 216 news articles

Source: news.google.com

Gay marriage backers urge Maine gov's support - Foster's Daily Democrat

Gay marriage backers urge Maine gov's support
Foster's Daily Democrat, NH
EqualityMaine and the Center for the Prevention of Hate Violence also unveiled books that include interviews with 82 people who tell about the impact on their families of not having a gay marriage law. Copies are being distributed to lawmakers.
Maine panel eyes gay marriage bill EDGE Boston
Gay marriage bill sponsor speaks at UM Maine Campus Online (subscription)
all 14 news articles

Source: news.google.com


Dear Sir

Your internet pages

I write with regard to the internet blog pages which you maintain and which make reference to current and previous employees of Unum Limited.

Whilst we understand that you continue to dispute our decision on your employer’s claim under their Group Income Protection policy, we do not accept that it is acceptable for you to make inappropriate and unsubstantiated allegations against our current and previous employees.

We would therefore ask you to desist from adding such statements and remove the existing references relating to our employees with immediate effect otherwise we will have no alternative but to take civil action against you in the Courts and recommend to the affected individuals that they do the same.

We trust that such action will not be necessary.

For the sake of clarity we require references to anyone who is now or has been employed by Unum Limited to be removed, specifically but not limited to June Scott, Julian Ball, Christine Taylor, Stephen Brown, Lizz Kiernan, Matthew Studwell and Stuart Lewis.

Yours sincerely

Dr Peter Dewis

Customer Care Director

Telephone: 01306 873222

Fax: 01306 873671

E-mail: peter.dewis@unum.co.uk

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I am happy that I have not printed anything unlawful and do so with free speech and with others best interests at heart.

Everything I have printed is accurate in my personal treatment at the hands of your company and is reflected in a web log format.

If you feel I have printed something which isn't accurate then please feel free to bring this to my attention and I will judge the complaint on it's merits.